Monday 23 April 2007

They're all NUTs

Teachers have decided that they do not wish to let children know of the Holocaust for fear of offending Muslim Pupils.

This sort of thinking is precisely why people should teach their children at home,apart from the six million Jews that were slaughtered simply because of their religion, there were millions of Russians, slaughtered only because of their nationality, Gypsies, Freemasons, you name it they were all slaughtered and for what, because some little runt with dark hair and a moustache that would have been better suited for cleaning toilets, wanted to build an Ayrian master race.

The stupid thing is that if these so-called teachers had half a brain (if most of the ones I've met had half a brain that would be a result, if they did they wouldn't be teaching) and could present history in a rational balanced way they would understand that exactly the same fate would have awaited Muslims had they been around in Europe in the numbers in which they now appear.

So rather than be offended they should be pleased to know that they managed to escape what can only be described as the most foul atrocities of the last century.

To deny history is to bury one's head in the sand, it won't go away and if Muslims want to come to England for a free British Education then that is what they should get and not some sanitised version because some soppy twat thinks they may be offended.

If that is not racist in the extreme then what is? What about the families of all those who perished? are they not allowed to be offended? Were they responsible for every major act of terrorism this century?


The National Union Of Journalists has decided to boycott Israel in protest of their 'unprovoked' invasion of Lebanon last year.

It seems to have escaped the simple little reptiles that the trigger for the "war" was the kidnap of 2 Israeli soldiers and a fairly constant barrage of rockets.

Hell, what does that matter when you can fabricate a whole load of lies that sound much better.

"Why let the truth get in the way of a good story" seems to be the motto most journalists tend to follow if the detritus we are forced to read in the world's press is anything to go by. That some ignorant fathead has decided that journalists should boycott Israel comes as no real surprise, however if they are going to do this let's just see where they would be if they did the job properly.( If they did the job properly they wouldn't have got themselves in this nonsense in the first place)

The cell phone was developed in Israel by Israelis working in the Israeli branch of Motorola, which has its largest development center in Israel. So any of you ‘Journos’ out there with a Motorola phone or a Motorola chip in your phone or one manufactured under license from Motorola, better get rid of them.

Go back to using public telephone boxes, that is if you can find one and one that works, oh and remember to make sure you have the right change.

Most of the Windows NT and XP operating systems were developed by Microsoft-Israel, so junk your PCs, that really would put you in the smelly stuff, you may have a bit of trouble getting the hang of a Mac and even if you did you'd be stuffed. Apple are using Intel chips these days.

The Pentium MMX Chip technology was designed in Israel at Intel. Both the Pentium-4 microprocessor and the Centrino processor were entirely designed, developed and produced in Israel.

So the Desktops, Servers and Laptops have to go then!

The Pentium microprocessor in your computer was most likely made in Israel. So the N.U.J. will have to totally re-equip the offices and go back to using pencils and pads.

Voice mail technology was developed in Israel, so the phones have to go, no more leaving messages in voiceboxes.

Both Microsoft and Cisco built their only R&D facilities outside the US in Israel.

The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger ICQ was developed in 1996 by four young Israelis. This of course means you cannot have a computer at home or for that matter be connected to the internet via a router and if you have AOL, which is notoriously difficult to remove, you are well and truly cattled.

According to industry officials, Israel designed the airline industry's most impenetrable flight security.
US officials now look to Israel for advice on how to handle airborne security threats.

So no air travel then! You don't need to travel abroad to write fiction anyway!

In proportion to its population, Israel has the largest number of startup companies in the world. In absolute terms, Israel has the largest number of startup companies than any other country in the world, except the U.S. (3,500 companies mostly in hi-tech).

So the chances are that you're using something either made or invented in Israel, of course that will have to be researched and if found to be of Israeli design or origin, got rid of.

Israel is ranked 2nd in the world for venture capital funds right behind he U. S. Which would tend to indicate that there is a good chance that anything else that is left that may have been funded by Israeli start-up cash must also therefore be discarded.

Outside the United States and Canada, Israel has the largest number of
NASDAQ listed companies. Just to reinforce the idea.

Israel was the first nation in the world to adopt the Kimberly process, an international standard that certifies diamonds as "conflict free." So if you or a relative have any Diamond Jewellery.....take it back, as Israel handles a large proportion of the World’s Diamonds or that the dealers in those Diamonds abroad have strong links to Israel there is a very strong chance it was either cut by or certified by an Israeli.

Medicine... Israeli scientists developed the first fully computerized, non-radiation, diagnostic instrumentation for breast cancer.
So if you think you may have breast cancer do not go to a hospital using this equipment.

Where do you think most of the MRI technology was developed? so if you're very ill and need an MRI scan just remember you are boycotting Israel (no exceptions now!)

An Israeli company developed a computerized system for ensuring proper
administration of medications, thus removing human error from medical
treatment. But you'd rather boycott Israeli goods so you'll take the risk that some overworked Doctor or Nurse could give you a fatal overdose.

Researchers in Israel developed a new device that directly helps the heart pump blood, an innovation with the potential to save lives among those with heart failure. The new device is synchronized with the camera helps Doctors diagnose the heart's mechanical operations through a sophisticated system of sensors. You obviously won't want one of those.

A new acne treatment developed in Israel , the Clear Light device, produces a high-intensity, ultraviolet-light-free, narrow-band blue light that causes acne bacteria to self-destruct -- all without damaging surrounding skin or tissue.
So if your face resembles a relief map of the moon this won't interest you either.

An Israeli company was the first to develop and install a large-scale solar-powered and fully functional electricity generating plant, in southern California's Mojave desert. So beware of trying to generate GREEN electricity, you never know where it might have come from.

So when you are sitting in an empty little room, unable to function in the way to which you have become accustomed as a result of not being able to utilise all the Israeli goods that you used to use, think what a bright spark you are and how you would rot if it were not for Israeli goods.

Let’s not even mention the foodstuffs available in all supermarkets (and even some so-called Farmer’s Markets), the medications in common use all of which you now have to do without.

Don't you think the mainly, fairly useless, politicians we employ to run things are bad enough, all we need now is a bunch of ignorant union officials ( they can't even be much good as Journalists otherwise they'd be doing that job instead of thinking up this garbage) making decisions based upon a half-arsed political adgenda it doesn't have the wit to think through and clearly doesn’t even begin to comprehend.

What if the shoe were on the other foot, not that those of the ‘Chosen People’ would like to turn away business but…. What if Marks & Spencer were to refuse to serve NUJ Members, What if Jewish Doctors, Dentists, Nurses etc, were to refuse to treat NUJ members, what if Jewish Shopkeepers, Bankers, Lawyers, Accountants, Estate Agents, Pharmacists, Car Dealers, Plumbers, Builders, Car Mechanics and the like would all refuse to have anything to do with NUJ members, you can almost hear the outrage and can certainly imagine the vitriol that would be printed, assuming that there were no Jewish printers on the payroll.

There is always a problem with having one’s head stuck up one’s rectum for too long, one invariably starts to admire the view and talk a lot of what can only be described as Grade A excrement.

There is a particularly pertinent legal phrase, “Res Ipsa Loquitur” no doubt a legal correspondent (Whatever that is supposed to mean) translate.

The Beirut Broadcasting Corporation
The BBC's Orla Guerin is caught attempting to exaggerate the level of damage in a Lebanese village.

Few tears were shed when the BBC's Orla Guerin concluded her posting in the Middle East at the end of 2005. Guerin has, however, returned to report from Lebanon during the recent conflict. This alerted many media watchers, including the which compared Guerin's 14 August report from the Lebanese village of Bint Jbeil with Alex Thomson's of Channel 4 News on the same day.

Walking down the same street in the same village, both correspondents painted very different pictures of the level of destruction (emphasis added):
Guerin: "I haven't seen a single building that isn't damaged in some way. Many have been flattened, many have been singed. This town has really been wiped out."

Compare this with Thomson: "As you can see, the centre of the town destroyed on a really wholesale scale, more so than since the last civilians left here, though it has to be said that on the outskirts, the suburbs - pretty much untouched by the Israeli attack and invasion."

Indeed, while Guerin would have you believe that Bint Jbeil has been entirely reduced to rubble, the view across the valley to the outskirts of town through the lens of a Channel 4 cameraman (pictured) confirms what Guerin evidently does not want BBC viewers to see.
Thomson even asks: "Does this bizarre landscape where so many buildings are really quite untouched and then some totally pancaked really mark the end for the Hezbollah?"

Much of the rest of Guerin's report is presented in typical BBC style. Despite seeing the evidence of Hezbollah munitions and weaponry located in Bint Jbeil, Guerin states: "The international community may well ask how Israel can explain all this in the name of fighting Hezbollah." More snippets of editorialising include:
Here in the south of Lebanon no-one doubts that Hezbollah won this war... In a month of fighting, Israel couldn't beat Hezbollah - probably not how its ally the United States expected things to turn out. For George Bush this is a bad chapter in the war on terror... To many here and in the Arab world, Hezbollah are covered in glory...

One assumes that Ms Guerin is an NUJ Member, having looked at the NUJ website their code of conduct contains these little gems: -

1. A journalist has a duty to maintain the highest professional and ethical standard

3. A journalist shall strive to ensure that the information he/she disseminates is fair and accurate, avoid the expression of comment and conjecture as established fact and falsification by distortion, selection or misrepresentation.

4. A journalist shall rectify promptly any harmful inaccuracies, ensure that correction and apologies receive due prominence and afford the right of reply to persons criticised when the issue is of sufficient importance.

5. A journalist shall obtain information, photographs and illustrations only by straightforward means. The use of other means can be justified only by overriding considerations of the public interest. The journalist is entitled to exercise a personal conscientious objection to the use of such means.

Perusal of this informative item shows the extent to which Journalists working for Reuters and Associated Press, some of which surely must be NUJ members, will go to distort the truth.

How about a little soul searching among the members to see just who is and who is having 'issues' with the truth.

Listening to a great many reporters these days, again probably NUJ members, is about as useful as looking to Tony Blair for the truth.

Would it not be better if the NUJ concerned itself in matters about which it should have some semblance of an idea, (After all someone at the NUJ wrote these Codes of Conduct) and maybe enforced the code, before some idiot politician decides to legislate.

Perhaps you'd like an Iranian pistachio nut. ( Soon they’ll glow in the dark)

Sunday 25 March 2007


It will came as no surprise whatsoever to learn of B Liar's response to the Iranian kidnap of our Marines and Royal Naval Personnel, "this is very serious" nothing like stating the bleedin' obvious! The question is what is going to be done about it?
The short answer is probably bugger all, but how can this government let that shift-eyed little runt who has an extremely poor grasp on sartorial elegance, well any form of elegance really, get away with this. A hundred years ago we would have dispatched one of our warships, it would have steamed up the Persian Gulf and let Arseholedimfuckhead have it right between the eyes ( even though that is a fairly narrow target in his particular case. What utterly astonishes me and I suppose tha same thing could have been said of Adolf Hitler for slightly different reasons, is how can any country believe the rantings of some short-arsed beady-eyed little twerp whose eyes are far too close together ( you should never trust anyone with eyes like that) and who doesn't even have the decency to wear a tie when conducting affairs of state? With Hitler it was the Master Race thing when he was the total antithesis of the tall blonde ideal, also a short-arsed little runt but in his case with a lavatory brush for a moustache and a very gay hairstyle. He also had beady little eyes but they were'nt as close together as Ahmydinnerscoldagain.

So it just goes to show if Dubya isn't there to show out Tone the way and hold his little handie he hasn't got a sodding clue.

What is called for is someone with a little gumption and frankly something more in the way of testicular fortitude. Unfortunately it took a woman to show the world that you don't mess around with us, and the one I'm talking about had more balls that the whole shower of shite that is Westminster today. You can just imagine her letting this one go...NOT!

I suggest that we dispatch the other ship we have left in our navy to the gulf and surround a few Iranian boats, sieze a few of them and a few hundred of their men and say they were spying in waters controlled by the british show them being led in a line blindfolded to the world's press and say if you want this sorry load of rubbish back you'd better return what belongs to us and then just let them have a low energy nuclear device right in the middle of their reactor. Then tell the little runt to shut the fuck up because he's playing with the big boys and any time we like we'll come in and take his shitty little country and him apart and hang it the fuck out to dry! Furthermore any repeat of such antics will result in the immediate destruction of Tehran.

A little jumped up turd like ahmydoorsajar should be under no illusion that if he gets out of line he'll get his ugly little face pushed through to the other side of his stupid little head.

But what does Tone do..........say "its very serious" yeah right, so is having a twat in Number 10.

Nuke the bastards!

Tuesday 20 March 2007

Sally Clark

It was with great sadness that I heard of the death of this poor woman, as if she hadn't suffered enough so needlessly.

What is abundantly clear if you look at pictures of her before her trial and after her release, following her appeal, is that the whole experience had a profound effect upon her and I quite believe that she continued to suffer greatly and this probably led to her very sad demise.

We will probably never get to hear the truth ( how often do we hear the truth these days) and I am sure that there will be a finding that her death was of natural causes ( whatever that is supposed to mean) but as sure as the Sun rises every morning, it was what was done to her by the Police, Social Services, the Clown Prostition Service and that overblown buffon of an expert medical witness, that led to her death. The specialists will probably say that there is no medical evidence to back that up, but there again we all know how wrong they can be, and the bigger they are, the wronger they get or so it seems.

I'm sure that there are some wonderful people working in Social Services and in some twenty years of working alongside them I met one Social Worker that seemed to have the right attitude, but I wouldn't give you tuppence for the rest. The Police, well they never get things wrong do they? how they could not have imagined that if someone as well versed in the Law as Mrs Clark was even contemplating doing what she was accused of, she would have been in the ideal position to do a far better job of covering her tracks is beyond me, as usual they saw just what they wanted to see, and as for the CPS need I say more. But the one who should be closely examining his conscience, presuming he has one to examine, is the so called medical expert, so taken up with the importance of his own theories that he was quite willing to see an innocent woman sent down just so he could say he was right.........quite wrong as it happens and Sally Clark paid the price for this utter incompetence, bordering upon criminal deception.
While he may have won his appeal, the GMC clearly thought that he was unfit to remain on the register.
Thankfully he has retired so that he will be unable to inflict his erroneous opinionising upon anyone else, let us hope that it is into utter obscurity, he deserves nothing less. No doubt some grubby little tabloid will dig him up in a few years to give his side of this very sorry story, shame on them if they do. I can only express my deepest sympathy to Sally Clark's family and share in their outrage at what has become of her and why.


News today of the fact that American Scientists have developed a genetically modified (Ihate that word in this context) Mosquito which, according to them is resistant to Malaria, while this sounds like a reasonable thing for Scientists to be spending their time doing, particularly in light of the fact that vast quantities of people in developing countries die from this disease every year, this presupposes that they can replace all the Mosquitoes in these countries with the resistant variety.
This does, of course, beg the inevitable question.....if they can get rid of those nasty malaria-carrying Mosquitoes in the first place why the hell do they need to replace them? Is it that we cannot live without the odd sting?

When it comes to modifying things, our friends(?) from across the Atlantic have been doing stuff like that for years with differing rates of success, you only have to look at some of their hybrid vehicles to wonder what on Earth they would do to a Mosquito.

Given that this is a country not averse to trying out Agent Orange on their own people, what guarantee do we have that this modified Mozzie isn't going to mutate into something about twenty times the size of a Daddy Long Legs which could well be capable of eating small children and household pets whenever it felt like a snack, let alone its ability to give you a bite the size of Ethiopia.

Until we know a great deal more about how things work, the last people who should be engaging in genetic modification of anything, (with the possible exception of George Dubya and his personal arse-kisser Tony [he of the Brown Lippy]B liar)are the Americans for God's sake.

Friday 16 March 2007


Given the lies with which B Liar dragged this country into a war in Iraq, the only benefit of which seems to be a rather tenuous hold on some oil supplies and a huge amount of government contracts for the Halliburton Corporation and others, and the eventual climb-down over the WMD issue, how is it that if applying the "well he was a thouroughly nasty Dictator and needed to be taken down" test, that this monstrous little prick Mugabe is even allowed to draw breath?

The answer really can be summed up in two words, Oil and Money, Zimbabwe has neither, or at least not enough of the latter to make it worthwhile. There is a slightly more complex issue here as well, George Dubya probably hasn't even heard of Zimbabwe and if he had heard the word probably doesn't use it because it is too difficult to pronounce. So there we have it no need for B Liar to wear the brown lipstick here because Dubya's not interested. (Yo Blair kiss my ....)If you can imagine a country where the leader of the opposition ( given what goes on in that country its even remarkable that there is an opposition) gets arrested and severely beaten and the government doesn't even care if he tells the world's media, or that it is perfectly obvious what had happened to Mr Tsvangirai while in police custody, you can imagine what it must be like for people with no profile at all.

Clearly that little piece of shit cannot be trusted to play with the toys he has, he's buggered the country silly, has ruined what was a thriving economy (despite sanctions) and by everything that is right and proper should be literally taken out and shot, or better still, beaten to death with baseball bats and pickaxe handles just so that his last memory is one of horrendous pain and humiliation, nothing more than what is woefully overdue.

While I am totally opposed to Capital Punishment, on the basis that murder is murder whether it is committed with the sanction of the state or not, there are some notable exceptions, nobody would have baulked if they took Adolf Hitler out and summarily executed him, neither would a similar fate being handed out to Pol Pot have raised much in the way of concern, nobody gave a flying fig when Sadam met his maker, except the way in which it was carried out ( which is perhaps testament to the fact that by comparison to most of his countrymen he was a bit of a moderate by all accounts) and given what bollocks our leader spoke about the reason for going to Iraq, there seems to be every reason to make an exception in the case of this evil murderous little termite, just send in a couple of battalions of our finest and take the little slug out. If that's too hard find out where he sleeps and bomb the place out of all recognition, what are they going to do declare war on England? I wish them the best of luck,

But what does Bender do? precisely what he always does when a little gumption is called for.....bugger all!
He's too busy trying to tell his successors that they must conform to his "green" agenda.
Shame he didn't start conforming to it at the start of his tenure so that we could look at something else he's totally screwed up and say " well he's poured billions into it and even a four year old of average intelligence can see that this is just something else that that bungling twerp has cocked up" over to you Georgie you try and explain how you've created a 150 billion black hole in our economy. I wonder what Mugabe knows about B Liar there must be something he has over him.

Here are a few lessons from your predecessor.....1. Immediately do nothing 2. wait for the initial media frenzy to go slightly off the boil and; 3. when asked about it say " oh not that old nonsense again, haven't we exhausted it yet? let's move on...really!" That just about sums up 10 years of B Liar's leadership, well without going into all the bent stuff.......anyone want a peerage before I go?..........yours for a couple of hundred grand and a seat on the board of one of your corporations so that I can keep us in the style to which Fatarse Cherrie wants us to become accustomed.

(she really does have a fat arse, all that guff about her being a fashionista in the early days was just that, guff, and if you think she's a brilliant lawyer ask yourself this. Would a brilliant lawyer have allowed herself to be associated with C.C and her erstwhile boyfriend who constantly finds himself on the wrong side of the law and if such a brilliant lawyer were to be tempted wouldn't they do it in a way and through numerous intermediaries that would make it impossible to connect the two? I would have thought so, here's the rub then, she's not brilliant at all!)

You really couldn't make this stuff up and if you did nobody would believe you........maybe I'm mad!

Wednesday 14 March 2007


With the demise of Patrick Mercer for alleged racism, which is generally acknowledged as being entirely the opposite, except by the odd wooly-minded liberal and of course 'Knee-Jerk Dave'

If he loses his bottle over such a minor matter what use would he be as a future Prime Minister, surely we can't be stupid enough as a nation not to want more from those we appoint to lead our country.

We've had 10 years of B liar which is exactly what he has turned out to be, pretty much from day one he has connived and deceived and now in the last desperate death throws of his tenure, he decides to make a stand over greenhouse emissions, thereby doing what he, as a lawyer should know he cannot do and that is to bind successor governments to his plans. But there again did he ever do anything spectacular as a lawyer? You can bet your life that if he had been even marginally involved in any case of importance, the publicity machine would have made much of the brilliant legal career.

In many ways it's a shame he didn't have a brilliant legal career, had he been so blessed, we would have had the undoubted benefit of not having him as Prime Minister as his earnings would have dictated that he remainat the Bar. Alas it wasn't to be as we have been stuck with him for 10 years........and they said that Maggie was a curse! While I did not agree with a great deal of her policies and actions, at least when she was in No.10 you had the feeling that someone was 'in charge' of the country and holding the reins, not merely telling us a pack of lies.

Oh, and when he is found to have screwed up royally he says"lets just move on" or better still "lessons have been learned" what lessons, when were they learned and by whom, and why did we allow some pillock to run the country if he didn't know about that stuff to begin withand if lessons have been learned why does there seem to be a continuous string of massive cock-ups?

When Maggie attended meetings of world leaders she engendered as much respect as she did fear, all our "boy" manages to get is a "yo Blair"

When he does finally bugger off and that time cannot, in my view, be soon enough, we will at least have a saying that will remain with us when someone does something dishonest "BENT AS BLAIR" alas we will have to contend with Prudence ( prudence my arse, what about the 150billion hole in our economy) why can't he get himself a properly laundered shirt and have his suit pressed and while he's at it get something done with that unruly thatch.......a prudent investment in a comb and some hairdressing preparation or another would smarten him up a bit and God knows he needs it. If he got himself together a bit better at least he would come closer to looking the part, right now he looks like he could do with a was and brush-up and a visit to the dry cleaners. Not a great advert for our once proud country.

I was visiting a friend's Chambers a short while back and happened to be in the Clerk's room when the Senior Clerk mentioned to a Member of Chambers, "Oh Sir that case with Matrix Chambers has come in" to which the reply was "is that the one with Cherie" "no" said the Senior Clerk " the clever one" Why have we kept on being told what a brilliant lawyer she is when the profession clearly has a different view of her capabilities? Same old Blair Bullshit, Honestly what a shower of absolute shite!