Wednesday 14 March 2007


With the demise of Patrick Mercer for alleged racism, which is generally acknowledged as being entirely the opposite, except by the odd wooly-minded liberal and of course 'Knee-Jerk Dave'

If he loses his bottle over such a minor matter what use would he be as a future Prime Minister, surely we can't be stupid enough as a nation not to want more from those we appoint to lead our country.

We've had 10 years of B liar which is exactly what he has turned out to be, pretty much from day one he has connived and deceived and now in the last desperate death throws of his tenure, he decides to make a stand over greenhouse emissions, thereby doing what he, as a lawyer should know he cannot do and that is to bind successor governments to his plans. But there again did he ever do anything spectacular as a lawyer? You can bet your life that if he had been even marginally involved in any case of importance, the publicity machine would have made much of the brilliant legal career.

In many ways it's a shame he didn't have a brilliant legal career, had he been so blessed, we would have had the undoubted benefit of not having him as Prime Minister as his earnings would have dictated that he remainat the Bar. Alas it wasn't to be as we have been stuck with him for 10 years........and they said that Maggie was a curse! While I did not agree with a great deal of her policies and actions, at least when she was in No.10 you had the feeling that someone was 'in charge' of the country and holding the reins, not merely telling us a pack of lies.

Oh, and when he is found to have screwed up royally he says"lets just move on" or better still "lessons have been learned" what lessons, when were they learned and by whom, and why did we allow some pillock to run the country if he didn't know about that stuff to begin withand if lessons have been learned why does there seem to be a continuous string of massive cock-ups?

When Maggie attended meetings of world leaders she engendered as much respect as she did fear, all our "boy" manages to get is a "yo Blair"

When he does finally bugger off and that time cannot, in my view, be soon enough, we will at least have a saying that will remain with us when someone does something dishonest "BENT AS BLAIR" alas we will have to contend with Prudence ( prudence my arse, what about the 150billion hole in our economy) why can't he get himself a properly laundered shirt and have his suit pressed and while he's at it get something done with that unruly thatch.......a prudent investment in a comb and some hairdressing preparation or another would smarten him up a bit and God knows he needs it. If he got himself together a bit better at least he would come closer to looking the part, right now he looks like he could do with a was and brush-up and a visit to the dry cleaners. Not a great advert for our once proud country.

I was visiting a friend's Chambers a short while back and happened to be in the Clerk's room when the Senior Clerk mentioned to a Member of Chambers, "Oh Sir that case with Matrix Chambers has come in" to which the reply was "is that the one with Cherie" "no" said the Senior Clerk " the clever one" Why have we kept on being told what a brilliant lawyer she is when the profession clearly has a different view of her capabilities? Same old Blair Bullshit, Honestly what a shower of absolute shite!

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