Tuesday 20 March 2007


News today of the fact that American Scientists have developed a genetically modified (Ihate that word in this context) Mosquito which, according to them is resistant to Malaria, while this sounds like a reasonable thing for Scientists to be spending their time doing, particularly in light of the fact that vast quantities of people in developing countries die from this disease every year, this presupposes that they can replace all the Mosquitoes in these countries with the resistant variety.
This does, of course, beg the inevitable question.....if they can get rid of those nasty malaria-carrying Mosquitoes in the first place why the hell do they need to replace them? Is it that we cannot live without the odd sting?

When it comes to modifying things, our friends(?) from across the Atlantic have been doing stuff like that for years with differing rates of success, you only have to look at some of their hybrid vehicles to wonder what on Earth they would do to a Mosquito.

Given that this is a country not averse to trying out Agent Orange on their own people, what guarantee do we have that this modified Mozzie isn't going to mutate into something about twenty times the size of a Daddy Long Legs which could well be capable of eating small children and household pets whenever it felt like a snack, let alone its ability to give you a bite the size of Ethiopia.

Until we know a great deal more about how things work, the last people who should be engaging in genetic modification of anything, (with the possible exception of George Dubya and his personal arse-kisser Tony [he of the Brown Lippy]B liar)are the Americans for God's sake.

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