Sunday 25 March 2007


It will came as no surprise whatsoever to learn of B Liar's response to the Iranian kidnap of our Marines and Royal Naval Personnel, "this is very serious" nothing like stating the bleedin' obvious! The question is what is going to be done about it?
The short answer is probably bugger all, but how can this government let that shift-eyed little runt who has an extremely poor grasp on sartorial elegance, well any form of elegance really, get away with this. A hundred years ago we would have dispatched one of our warships, it would have steamed up the Persian Gulf and let Arseholedimfuckhead have it right between the eyes ( even though that is a fairly narrow target in his particular case. What utterly astonishes me and I suppose tha same thing could have been said of Adolf Hitler for slightly different reasons, is how can any country believe the rantings of some short-arsed beady-eyed little twerp whose eyes are far too close together ( you should never trust anyone with eyes like that) and who doesn't even have the decency to wear a tie when conducting affairs of state? With Hitler it was the Master Race thing when he was the total antithesis of the tall blonde ideal, also a short-arsed little runt but in his case with a lavatory brush for a moustache and a very gay hairstyle. He also had beady little eyes but they were'nt as close together as Ahmydinnerscoldagain.

So it just goes to show if Dubya isn't there to show out Tone the way and hold his little handie he hasn't got a sodding clue.

What is called for is someone with a little gumption and frankly something more in the way of testicular fortitude. Unfortunately it took a woman to show the world that you don't mess around with us, and the one I'm talking about had more balls that the whole shower of shite that is Westminster today. You can just imagine her letting this one go...NOT!

I suggest that we dispatch the other ship we have left in our navy to the gulf and surround a few Iranian boats, sieze a few of them and a few hundred of their men and say they were spying in waters controlled by the british show them being led in a line blindfolded to the world's press and say if you want this sorry load of rubbish back you'd better return what belongs to us and then just let them have a low energy nuclear device right in the middle of their reactor. Then tell the little runt to shut the fuck up because he's playing with the big boys and any time we like we'll come in and take his shitty little country and him apart and hang it the fuck out to dry! Furthermore any repeat of such antics will result in the immediate destruction of Tehran.

A little jumped up turd like ahmydoorsajar should be under no illusion that if he gets out of line he'll get his ugly little face pushed through to the other side of his stupid little head.

But what does Tone do..........say "its very serious" yeah right, so is having a twat in Number 10.

Nuke the bastards!

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