Tuesday 20 March 2007

Sally Clark

It was with great sadness that I heard of the death of this poor woman, as if she hadn't suffered enough so needlessly.

What is abundantly clear if you look at pictures of her before her trial and after her release, following her appeal, is that the whole experience had a profound effect upon her and I quite believe that she continued to suffer greatly and this probably led to her very sad demise.

We will probably never get to hear the truth ( how often do we hear the truth these days) and I am sure that there will be a finding that her death was of natural causes ( whatever that is supposed to mean) but as sure as the Sun rises every morning, it was what was done to her by the Police, Social Services, the Clown Prostition Service and that overblown buffon of an expert medical witness, that led to her death. The specialists will probably say that there is no medical evidence to back that up, but there again we all know how wrong they can be, and the bigger they are, the wronger they get or so it seems.

I'm sure that there are some wonderful people working in Social Services and in some twenty years of working alongside them I met one Social Worker that seemed to have the right attitude, but I wouldn't give you tuppence for the rest. The Police, well they never get things wrong do they? how they could not have imagined that if someone as well versed in the Law as Mrs Clark was even contemplating doing what she was accused of, she would have been in the ideal position to do a far better job of covering her tracks is beyond me, as usual they saw just what they wanted to see, and as for the CPS need I say more. But the one who should be closely examining his conscience, presuming he has one to examine, is the so called medical expert, so taken up with the importance of his own theories that he was quite willing to see an innocent woman sent down just so he could say he was right.........quite wrong as it happens and Sally Clark paid the price for this utter incompetence, bordering upon criminal deception.
While he may have won his appeal, the GMC clearly thought that he was unfit to remain on the register.
Thankfully he has retired so that he will be unable to inflict his erroneous opinionising upon anyone else, let us hope that it is into utter obscurity, he deserves nothing less. No doubt some grubby little tabloid will dig him up in a few years to give his side of this very sorry story, shame on them if they do. I can only express my deepest sympathy to Sally Clark's family and share in their outrage at what has become of her and why.

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