Friday 16 March 2007


Given the lies with which B Liar dragged this country into a war in Iraq, the only benefit of which seems to be a rather tenuous hold on some oil supplies and a huge amount of government contracts for the Halliburton Corporation and others, and the eventual climb-down over the WMD issue, how is it that if applying the "well he was a thouroughly nasty Dictator and needed to be taken down" test, that this monstrous little prick Mugabe is even allowed to draw breath?

The answer really can be summed up in two words, Oil and Money, Zimbabwe has neither, or at least not enough of the latter to make it worthwhile. There is a slightly more complex issue here as well, George Dubya probably hasn't even heard of Zimbabwe and if he had heard the word probably doesn't use it because it is too difficult to pronounce. So there we have it no need for B Liar to wear the brown lipstick here because Dubya's not interested. (Yo Blair kiss my ....)If you can imagine a country where the leader of the opposition ( given what goes on in that country its even remarkable that there is an opposition) gets arrested and severely beaten and the government doesn't even care if he tells the world's media, or that it is perfectly obvious what had happened to Mr Tsvangirai while in police custody, you can imagine what it must be like for people with no profile at all.

Clearly that little piece of shit cannot be trusted to play with the toys he has, he's buggered the country silly, has ruined what was a thriving economy (despite sanctions) and by everything that is right and proper should be literally taken out and shot, or better still, beaten to death with baseball bats and pickaxe handles just so that his last memory is one of horrendous pain and humiliation, nothing more than what is woefully overdue.

While I am totally opposed to Capital Punishment, on the basis that murder is murder whether it is committed with the sanction of the state or not, there are some notable exceptions, nobody would have baulked if they took Adolf Hitler out and summarily executed him, neither would a similar fate being handed out to Pol Pot have raised much in the way of concern, nobody gave a flying fig when Sadam met his maker, except the way in which it was carried out ( which is perhaps testament to the fact that by comparison to most of his countrymen he was a bit of a moderate by all accounts) and given what bollocks our leader spoke about the reason for going to Iraq, there seems to be every reason to make an exception in the case of this evil murderous little termite, just send in a couple of battalions of our finest and take the little slug out. If that's too hard find out where he sleeps and bomb the place out of all recognition, what are they going to do declare war on England? I wish them the best of luck,

But what does Bender do? precisely what he always does when a little gumption is called for.....bugger all!
He's too busy trying to tell his successors that they must conform to his "green" agenda.
Shame he didn't start conforming to it at the start of his tenure so that we could look at something else he's totally screwed up and say " well he's poured billions into it and even a four year old of average intelligence can see that this is just something else that that bungling twerp has cocked up" over to you Georgie you try and explain how you've created a 150 billion black hole in our economy. I wonder what Mugabe knows about B Liar there must be something he has over him.

Here are a few lessons from your predecessor.....1. Immediately do nothing 2. wait for the initial media frenzy to go slightly off the boil and; 3. when asked about it say " oh not that old nonsense again, haven't we exhausted it yet? let's move on...really!" That just about sums up 10 years of B Liar's leadership, well without going into all the bent stuff.......anyone want a peerage before I go?..........yours for a couple of hundred grand and a seat on the board of one of your corporations so that I can keep us in the style to which Fatarse Cherrie wants us to become accustomed.

(she really does have a fat arse, all that guff about her being a fashionista in the early days was just that, guff, and if you think she's a brilliant lawyer ask yourself this. Would a brilliant lawyer have allowed herself to be associated with C.C and her erstwhile boyfriend who constantly finds himself on the wrong side of the law and if such a brilliant lawyer were to be tempted wouldn't they do it in a way and through numerous intermediaries that would make it impossible to connect the two? I would have thought so, here's the rub then, she's not brilliant at all!)

You really couldn't make this stuff up and if you did nobody would believe you........maybe I'm mad!

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