Monday 23 April 2007

They're all NUTs

Teachers have decided that they do not wish to let children know of the Holocaust for fear of offending Muslim Pupils.

This sort of thinking is precisely why people should teach their children at home,apart from the six million Jews that were slaughtered simply because of their religion, there were millions of Russians, slaughtered only because of their nationality, Gypsies, Freemasons, you name it they were all slaughtered and for what, because some little runt with dark hair and a moustache that would have been better suited for cleaning toilets, wanted to build an Ayrian master race.

The stupid thing is that if these so-called teachers had half a brain (if most of the ones I've met had half a brain that would be a result, if they did they wouldn't be teaching) and could present history in a rational balanced way they would understand that exactly the same fate would have awaited Muslims had they been around in Europe in the numbers in which they now appear.

So rather than be offended they should be pleased to know that they managed to escape what can only be described as the most foul atrocities of the last century.

To deny history is to bury one's head in the sand, it won't go away and if Muslims want to come to England for a free British Education then that is what they should get and not some sanitised version because some soppy twat thinks they may be offended.

If that is not racist in the extreme then what is? What about the families of all those who perished? are they not allowed to be offended? Were they responsible for every major act of terrorism this century?

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